OH系列高溫溢流染色機 OH High-temperature Overflow Dyeing Machine UH系列常溫溢流染色機 UH Normal-temperature Overflow Dyeing Machine *性能 ●適應布種范圍廣: 特別噴嘴結構,使織物一直處于松懈展幅狀態。針對解決密度大、易生折痕及敏感色等織物的染色問題。 ●節能省時,配合各項新技術: 1、立式熱交換器,高效而美觀的布置,能及時排凈冷凝水及染液,縮短冷熱轉換消耗時間,同時避免水垢形成,延長交換器使用壽命,減少時間和能源。 2、自動刮毛器與粹毛收集器合為一體既節省安裝位置又減少染液。減少人工刮毛所消耗時間。 3、優化主泵進口管道,使吸口更低,用水更少。 4、U型布槽加十字擺布方式,比同樣機型之染缸裝載量增加20%,降低了成本。 5、噴嘴導布管洗水功能,縮小洗水時間及用水量。 ●環保 行機浴比低至1:1.5(不包括織物含水)純棉活性染料染色全程每公斤織物耗水量約為:淺色27.2公斤;中色37.5公升;深色47.4公升。 ●穩定的高重現性 超前的染色控制系統,配合雙重均衡加料系統,衡壓與衡流量噴嘴控制,使織物染色達到良好的均染性和重現性。 ●人體工學缸身設計 降低機身與操作高度,放棄巨型工作臺,操作方便,缸底設計能有效減少儲水,降低浴比。 ●的主缸循環系統使主缸上下溫差控制與加料的均勻性控制在狀態。 ●主缸清洗采用旋轉噴射方式,缸身都在清洗范圍內,缸身清洗更。 Excellent Performance ●Application to various fabrics With a spcially-designed nozzle structure,it enables the fabrics in loose and expanded conditions during the dyeing process.It has an excellent performance in deing tight and heavy fabrics and can eliminate the crease mark problem,which is usually seen in other dyeing machines. ●Time and energy saving by using new technologies 1.The nice and efficient configuration which is built with a vertical heat exchanger enables the condensed water to be drained instantly and reduces the time duration in the shifting between hot and cold water.Meanwhile,it can avoid the formation of water scale,extend the service life of heat exchanger,and reduce time and energy as well. 2.The intergration of automatic stripper and lint collector can save installation space,economize dye liquid and reduce the manual stripping time greatly. 3.The inlet pipe of the main pump has been optimized,the height of water inlet has been lowered and hence the water consumption has been reduced sighificantly. 4.Compared with other designs,U-shape fabric tank and cross configuration of this new model can increase the loading capacity by 20%,up ti 300kgs per chamber approximately. 5.Unique fabric flowing tube with nozzle can reduce washing time and water consumption. ●Eco-friendly Min running liquor ratio(does not invlude water in the material)is as low as 1:1.5.The water consumption of the whole dyeing processfor cotton fabric(per KG)by using reactive dyes is analyzed as follows. Light Color:27.2kgs Medium Color:37.5kgs Dark color:47.4kgs ●Good and stable repeatability Leading dyeing control system,in combination with dually balancing flow feeding system as well as constant pressure and flow rate nozzle control enbance fabrics dyeing to achieve a good dye uniformity and high repeatability. ●Ergonomics Vat Design The height of machine and operation platform is lowered and size of the operation platform is resized much smaller than usual,which makes operation much more convenient.The bottom of the dye vat is specially designed so as to reduce water storage and liquor ratio effectively ●With unique main vat circulation system,the temperature difference of entire dye vat from top to bottom and evenness of feeding is controlled at optimum conditions. ●Rotating spray is adopted for main vat cleaning and the whole vat is within the range of cleaning,ensuring more complete cleaning. 任選件 ●預備缸可選配置,可使工作效率提高。 ●注鹽桶,新式注鹽功能,注鹽更快更順暢。 ●自動刮毛器與粹毛收集器合為一體及節省安裝位置及減少染液。減輕人工刮毛所消耗時間。 Optional Parts ●The optional configuration of multi-functional stock tank can improve working efficiency greatly. ●Salt addition tanks are of new filling functions,enstring quicker and smoother filling. ●The intergration of automatic stripper and lint collector can save installation space,economize dye liquid and shorten the manual strpping time. 技術數據 ●浴比:滿載時1:4-5 ●運行速度:400米/分鐘 ●工作溫度:140℃ ●工作壓力:0.36Mpa ●升溫率:25℃-100℃平均5℃/分鐘 100℃-130℃平均2.5℃/分鐘(干燥飽和蒸汽壓力0.7Mpa) ●降溫率:130℃-100℃平均3℃/分鐘 100℃-85℃平均2℃/分鐘(冷卻水壓力0.3Mpa,溫度25℃) Technical Data ●Liquor Ratio;1:4-6 at full load ●Operating Speed:400M per minute ●Maximum working temperature:140℃ ●Maximum working pressure:0.36Mpa ●Temperature increase rate:5℃ per minute on average from 25℃ to 100℃,2.5℃ per minute on average from 100℃-130℃(Pressure of dry saturated vapor:0.7Mpa) ●Temperature deduvtion rate:3℃ per minute on average from 130℃ to 100℃,2℃ per minute on average from 100℃ to 85℃(Cooling water pressure:0.3Mpa,25℃) OH系列高溫溢流染色機機械參數 OH High-temperature Overflow Dyeing Machine and mechanical parameters 型號 Model | 管數 Number of tubes | 載量 Load(kg) | 主泵功率 Power | 外形尺寸(長×寬×高) Outer Dimension | OH-250-1 | 1 | 300 | 5.5 | 3500×5400×3200 | OH-250-2 | 2 | 600 | 7.5 | 4800×5400×3400 | OH-250-3 | 3 | 900 | 15 | 5900×5400×3400 | OH-250-4 | 4 | 1200 | 18.5 | 7100×5400×3400 | OH-250-6 | 6 | 1800 | 30 | 9500×5400×3400 | OH-250-8 | 8 | 2400 | 45 | 12500×5400×3400 | 所列規格如有改良或修正,不再另行通知。 Specification subject to change without further notice UH系列常溫溢流染色機機械參數 UH Normal-temperature Overflow Dyeing Machine and mechanical parameters 型號 Model | 管數 Number of tubes | 載量 Load(kg) | 主泵功率 Power | 外形尺寸(長×寬×高) Outer Dimension | UH-250-1 | 1 | 300 | 5.5 | 3500×5400×3200 | UH -250-2 | 2 | 600 | 7.5 | 4800×5400×3400 | UH -250-3 | 3 | 900 | 15 | 5900×5400×3400 | UH -250-4 | 4 | 1200 | 18.5 | 7100×5400×3400 | UH -250-6 | 6 | 1800 | 30 | 9500×5400×3400 | UH -250-8 | 8 | 2400 | 45 | 12500×5400×3400 | 所列規格如有改良或修正,不再另行通知。 Specification subject to change without further notice |