產品用途: 該機主要用于各種天然纖維織物重量在50-1000克/米2的針織和機織物在常溫常壓狀態下的漂白和染色,也可用于其它纖維、人造絲、腈綸、滌綸等混紡織物在常溫常壓下進行染色和處理,經過特殊改進可對毛巾布進行前處理和染色。 工作原理: 被染織物在存布箱內通過無級變速控制的提升滾筒,由電動機直接驅動循環泵來實現,循環泵在機器底部將染液輸出通過換熱器送入噴嘴,織物經噴嘴后由折布系統折疊堆積,配有自動解結裝置、噴水循環洗缸系統。 技術特性: ● 織物提升系統: 傳動型織物提升系統減低織物與提升滾筒之間的滑移問題,使織物表面達到不凡的處理效果,提升滾筒提供足夠的提升力量,確保滾筒及織物接近同步運行,織物在導布輥的配合下,以最整齊的方式進入噴嘴中。 ● 噴嘴: 提供最柔和的織物處理以及的染液與織物交換條件,該噴嘴提供更強的染液滲透力及更有效的運布能力,而且織物在噴嘴中被染液包圍,因而織物可在松馳狀態下浮于噴嘴的染液中,避免起毛現象??椢锝g纏自解裝置一旦噴口前端織物絞纏附下,此自動裝置將立即使循環泵停頓,同時提升滾筒做反方向轉動,直至織物恢復正常運作狀態,隨即自動按正方向運行,此裝置不需操作人員人手開動工作門或其它按鈕以糾正絞纏的毛病。 ● 布速系統: 織物于提升系統與折布系統均在同步狀態下運行,確??椢镎R地擺放以充分利用儲布闊度,從而達到的載布量且減低織物絞纏。液體分離及收集系統:液體分離及收集系統確保的載布量,并減少每一批量的耗水量及每缸循環率。液體分離系統包括一個內置織物搖摺裝置,在織物堆積在儲布槽之前就將當中過剩的染液引離至染液處,再作循環。使每缸的循環率得以增加,達到更均勻的染色效果。 ● 洗水系統: 織物中分離出來的液體立即被收集及引導至溢流喉中排出,不會被織物再次吸收,浮于液面的臟物和泡沫通過收集管排放,因此提高洗水效率,節省用水量及加強織物處染的質量。 ● 傳動方式: 強俄提升系統配備無級變速,由變頻控制的減速齒輪馬達驅動。
The use of the products: This machine is mainly used for various natural fiber fabric which weight 50-1000 grams/meter bleaching and dyeing under the normal temperature and pressure, can also be used in other fibers, artificial silk, acrylic fibres, dacron, etc. and mix fabrics to dye and deal with under normal temperature and pressure,can be used to deal with towel and dyeing after special improving.
Operation principle: Circulation pump which was direct drived by motor can caught the fabric through the promotion cylinder which was controlled by the stepless speed change in the cloth case, The circulation pump exports the dye liquor through the heat exchanger from the machine bottom into the spray nozzle , The fabric is folded and piled up by pulldown system when the fabric through the spray nozzle ,the machine matches with the device of untieing automatically and the system of gushing out the water circularly to wash the jar.
Technological characteristic: ● The fabric promoting system: Transmission type fabric promote system lowers fabric and promote cylinder slippage problem, make the surface of fabric reach the uncommon result, promoting roller offers enough promotion power to ensure roller and fabric run at the synchronization. Under the cooperation of leading roller, fabric enters in the spray nozzle in the most regularly manner. ● Spray nozzle: Offer the softest fabric dealing with and most ideal dye liquor and conditions of fabric give-and-take, this spray nozzle offers stronger dye liquor infiltration strength and more effective cloth transporting ability, and the fabric is totally surrounded by the dye liquor in the spray nozzle, therefore the fabric can float in the dye liquor of the spray nozzle in the limp state, avoid the phenomenon of fluffing. ● The fabric self-twist and tangle device: Once the fabric in the front of spout entangles and twines and attaches, this automatics will make the circulation pump stop immediately, promote the cylinder and make it rotate in the opposite direction at the same time until the fabric resume the normal operation state ,and run in the correct direction whereat, this equipment need no operator man to start up the working door or other button to correct the twist and tangle trouble. ● The cloth speed system: The fabric runs under the synchronous state with the promoting system and cloth folding system to guarantee the fabric put in order and fully utilize of the width of cloth stored, in order to reach the most holding amount of cloth. ● The liquid separating and collecting system: Liquid separating and collecting system guarantee the amount of cloth carrying is the most, reduce the amount of water consumed of every batch and maximize the cycle rate. Liquid separate system including one built-in fabric shake, roll over device, it lead superfluous dyeing liquid to the dyeing liquid before fabric piled up in the cloth trough and then circle. Make the circulation rate of every vat increase, reach more even dyeing result. ● Washing water system: The separated liquid from the fabric is collected to and discharge from the throat of the overflow immediately and it will not be absorbed by the fabric again, dunghill and foam flowing on the surface of the liquid let through collected pipe in order to heighten the washing efficiency, save the water and strengthen the dyeing quality of the fabric dealed with. ● Transmission manner: Strong Russia promote system equipped with infinitely variable speeds,by gear wheel motor that controlled by frequency conversion. |