PG Series 500/1000 Watt Regulated High Voltage DC Power Supplies.The PG Series is available in two c...
Glassman PG系列高壓電源
PG Series 500/1000 Watt Regulated High Voltage DC Power Supplies.The PG Series is available in two configurations ... as a standard PG Series or as an ultra-low ripple PG-LR Series for demanding applications, such as particle accelerators. Shown is the dual-stack PG-LR Series with remote control unit. One stack serves as a high voltage multiplier while the second stack provides an additional lowpass ripple filter. The standard PG Series is supplied with only the multiplier stack and remote control unit.
Glassman PG系列高壓電源特點
From 5% to 99% rated voltage. All units operate down to zero output with very slight degradation of performance. INPUT: 105-125 V RMS, single-phase, 48-63 Hz, <15 A. Series PG-LR: 208 V RMS +/- 10%, 3-phase, 48-63 Hz, <5 A. EFFICIENCY: Typically 75% at full load. OUTPUT: Continuous, stable adjustment from 0 to rated voltage and current by means of front panel 10-turn potentiometers,external zero to +10 V signals, or external potentiometers. Linearity to within 1% of full scale. VOLTAGE REGULATION: Better than 0.005% + 1 V, line or load. RIPPLE: Better than 0.1% of rated voltage at full load. CURRENT REGULATION: Better than 100 μA from short circuit to rated voltage for any load condition; 0.005% + 1 μA for line variations. VOLTAGE/CURRENT MONITOR: Zero to +10 V signal for zero to rated voltage/current. STABILITY: 0.01% + 1 V per hour after 1/2 hour warmup,0.05% + 2 V per 8 hours. TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT: 0.01% per degree C + 1 V. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE: -20 to +60 degree C, operating; -40 to +85 degree C, non-operating. POLARITY: Available with either positive, negative, or reversible (PG only) polarity with respect to chassis ground. PROTECTION: Automatic current regulation protects the power supply against all overload conditions,including arcs and short circuits. Fuses,surge-limiting resistors, and low energy components provide the ultimate protection. EXTERNAL INTERLOCK: Open off, closed on.